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The Hunt Details:

This is a fun, free adventure encouraging active living while discovering the beauty of Saratoga Springs, NY.


300 Horseshoes are hidden beginning in April with continuous "shoe drops" until all shoes are found.

Horseshoes will be hidden in Saratoga Springs public parks and trails. Follow us on social media for more specific hints.


All horseshoes will be accessible between ground and reachable level (no ladders or shovels required!).*


Horseshoes will not be on private property. No public or preserved property should be disturbed to hide or find a horseshoe.

This is a “finder’s keepers” activity. Find a shoe and it is yours to keep.


We ask that seekers only keep one per year. If you find a second shoe in a year, please leave it where it is or, using the rules above, rehide it in the same location, for someone else to discover.


Hidden horseshoes have a QR code attached. Please register your discovery!


Finders are encouraged to take pictures of their shoe to post on social media. Be sure to tag us!


*50% of horseshoes hidden will be within 3 feet of a trail.

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